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PPP Partners clean adopted sites on Rota, Tinian, and Saipan

(Capitol Hill, Saipan - October 13, 2022) The Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers would like to recognize and thank its Public Private Partnership (PPP) Partners for refurbishing medians, bus stops, and parking lots throughout Rota, Tinian, and Saipan. GCEA’s PPP partners gave streets, medians, bus stops, and parking lots a much-needed restoration and significantly improved safety and visibility for motorists and pedestrians. GCEA extends a si yu’us ma’åse’ and ghilisow to the following PPP partners:


  • 4H Rota


  • Tinian Delegation with military volunteers


  • Indigenous Affairs Office

  • Saipan Magalahi Eagles Club and Saipan Magahaga Lady Eagles Group

  • Duty Free Saipan

On August 12, the Tinian Delegation with Military volunteers cleaned and repainted the Jones Beach parking lot.

On August 15, the 4H Rota volunteers cleaned and repainted the Sinapalo Children’s Park bus stop.

On August 16, the CNMI Indigenous Affairs Office finished painting a mural at the As Terlaje hill. The mural includes a bird on a tree branch in a forest and a turtle swimming in the ocean, followed by a "Welcome to the Marianas” painting.

On September 09, the Saipan Magalahi Eagles Club and Saipan Magahaga Lady Eagles Group cleaned and repainted the Kilili Beach Park parking lot.

From September 13 to September 15, the Tinian Delegation with military volunteers repainted the Broadway Estates’ sidewalk curbs and speed bump to improve visibility for all motorists.

On October 08, the Duty Free Saipan cleaned the Garapan Core Sidewalks in preparation for a sidewalk curb repaint later on this year.

For more information or to sign up for the Adopt-A-Median program and other programs, visit the GCEA website at or contact the council at

About the GCEA

The Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers’ mission is to provide objective advice to CNMI Gov. Ralph DLG. Torres and Lt. Gov. Arnold I. Palacios to ensure that future economic decisions and programs are aligned to improve the quality of life throughout The Marianas. GCEA’s Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative has drawn widespread support throughout the community. Volunteers and partners are welcome. For more information, visit or engage with the GCEA on Facebook and Instagram (@cnmigov.economy) or by email at


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