GCEA thanks partners and community volunteers for improving safety and visibility for drivers and pedestrians
2022 Adopt-A-Median projects announced

(Saipan, The Marianas – Dec. 28, 2021) As 2021 comes to a close, the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers (GCEA) recognizes and thanks its Public Private Partnership Partners for refurbishing medians throughout Saipan. The projects, completed under the Adopt-A-Median Program, gave streets, medians, curbs, and barriers much-needed facelifts and significantly improved safety and visibility for motorists and pedestrians. GCEA extends a Si Yu’us Ma’åse’ and Ghilisow to the following Adopt-A-Median partners:
Century Tours
D&Q International Distributors
Life In The Son Christian Fellowship
POI Aviation
Saipan Marianas Lions Club
Tan Holdings Football Club
Team Chalan Piao – the families of community leaders Catherine Attao, Joe Guerrero, Chris Concepcion, and Sean White
On Oct. 28, POI Aviation, Century Tours, and the staff and management from Century Hotel, Seatouch, and iSHOP partnered to transform the Kagman intersection medians located across the Mobil Kagman Gas Station.
A few days later, on Oct. 31, the Saipan Marianas Lions Club cleaned and repainted the medians at Chalan Kiya that run along the intersection by the Old Payless Shoe Store to the Chalan Kiya Mobil Gas Station intersection. Also on Oct. 31, the Tan Holdings Football Club cleaned and repainted the medians in Susupe along the roadway from Marianas High School to Guma Hustisia.
From Nov. 4-6, Team Chalan Piao water blasted, cleaned, and repainted the Chalan Piao Medians from the intersection at the Division of Youth Services to the Chalan Piao Mobil Gas Station.
On Nov. 8, D&Q International Distributors spruced up the Sadog Tasi Intersection medians and repainted the highly used area with bright yellow paint.
For two days, from Dec. 4-5, volunteers from Life In The Son Christian Fellowship water blasted and repainted the Gualo Rai medians and sidewalks that run from the church and across the U.S. District Court.
Additional Adopt-A-Median projects completed in 2021
GCEA would also like to recognize its partnership with the Kanoa Football Club, Beach Road Tourism Development, Office of House Minority, LJ’s Lawncare, Saipan Mayor’s Office, Shirley’s Coffee Shop, and the Shirley’s Football Club for the completion of their Adopt-A-Median projects in the villages of Garapan, San Vicente, and San Jose. GCEA thanks its partners for an outstanding Adopt-A-Median year! Together, We Can!

Projects planned for 2022
GCEA also announced that in 2022, elementary through high schools and Northern Marianas College will be participating in the Adopt-A-Media Program. The following schools and NMC have committed to the following projects in the first quarter of 2022:
Kagman Elementary School students have also signed up to adopt the Kagman DFEMS sidewalk and the Laolao Bay Golf Resort sidewalks.
Marianas High School will adopt the Marianas Visitors Authority sidewalks, Susupe medians across World Resort, Mt. Carmel sidewalks, and the Dandan Children’s Park parking lot.
Northern Marianas College will be working on the Chalan Monsignor Guerrero medians.
Sinapalo Elementary School will be refreshing its school parking lot and entrance.
Tinian Elementary School has adopted the sidewalks around its campus located across the public library and hospital.
About the Adopt-A-Median program
The Adopt-A-Median program is an integral part of the GCEA’s Marianas Village Pride campaign and the Public Private Partnership Program. GCEA is actively accepting registration for projects in every village on Rota, Tinian, and Saipan. Schools, groups, families, and businesses can adopt, clean, and paint medians, sidewalks, or crosswalks in their villages. GCEA will provide the supplies. For the safety of the students, GCEA recommend that school groups adopt sidewalks and crosswalks around their schools. For more information or to sign up for the Adopt-A-Median program or other Marianas Village Pride contests, visit the GCEA website at cnmieconomy.com or contact the council at gceacnmi@gmail.com. GCEA invites the community to engage, like, and share its MVP content on Facebook and Instagram (@cnmieconomy) and to tag MVP-related photos to be featured on GCEA’s platforms (#BeAnMVP, #MarianasVillagePride, and #TogetherWeCanMarianas).
Media Contact:
Edna Nisola
Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers