Recommendation 1: Development and Maintenance of CNMI Parks and Tourist Sites
Request to foster Public Private Partnerships in the development and maintenance of CNMI parks and tourist sites
Recommendation 2: Reestablish the American Memorial Park Development Advisory Committee
Request to reestablish the American Memorial Park Development Advisory Committee alongside U.S. National Park Service
Recommendation 3: Establish Universal Garbage Collection
Pathway toward establishing universal garbage collection
Recommendation 4: Tourism Resumption Blueprint
This Blueprint describes a partnership with CNMI government, private sector and the governments and travel partners in the international ...
Recommendation 5: Separation of CDA and NMHC
Separation of the Commonwealth Development Authority and the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation
Recommendation 6: 2015 Integrated Resource Plan
Consideration to revisit and implement the 2015 Integrated Resource Plan
Recommendation 7: Commonwealth Economic Development Authority
The creation of the Commonwealth Economic Development Authority
Recommendation 8: Qualifying Certificate Program
Amendments to the Commonwealth Development Authority Qualifying Certificate Program
Recommendation 9: Expanded Public Private Initiatives
A pathway toward expanded Public Private Initiatives for the Commonwealth
Recommendation 10: Marpi Visitors Center
Marpi Visitors Center
Recommendation 11: Hotel Branding Requirement
Institute a branding requirement on all future public land leases for hotel establishments
Recommendation 12: Developers Infrastructure Tax Credits
Allowance of Developers Infrastructure Tax Credits for Culturally Appropriate Designs
Recommendation 13: Increase Enforcement Authority
Increase Enforcement Authority for Tour Guide Certification